
Article from the periodic Htag by Références, N°07 – June 2023

Dare to experiment

By testing job sharing for a strategic role in finance, Aliaxis is positioning itself as a pioneer of a new way of operating, while implementing its commitment to diversity and inclusion.

At Aliaxis, diversity and inclusion are firmly anchored in the corporate culture. “This fertile ground converged with a business need for cutting-edge expertise in finance that is very difficult to find on the market, explains Line De Decker, Chief People and Sustainability Officer. To put it clearly, the role had been open for some time. Nathalie and Marie-Christine’s proposal arrived and, as HR, I liked the idea of ​​a role being shared between two talents. But of course you need a manager, in this case our CFO Koen Sticker, who is open to other forms of employment. He focused on business issues while trusting them completely in the way they would organize themselves. It is essential to have this type of attitude for the format to work. Aliaxis has the advantage of being very entrepreneurial, which also facilitates the possibility of welcoming profiles who want to explore new horizons.”

In the implementation of job sharing, Line De Decker does not see any particular obstacle other than… the weight of habits. “The reflex is always to think first of the full-time employment contract. Companies should demonstrate more openness and agility in testing other formats that would allow them to meet their talent needs. This duo is a first for us, but one that inspires us. Of course, there are practical dimensions to manage, for example in compensation & benefits that are not naturally adapted to this modern way of considering the relationship between employer and employee. But, as HRD, I do not really see any regulatory constraints that would prevent the development of job sharing. It is rather the companies themselves that must think outside the box and dare to experiment with it. I hope that our experience will inspire other leaders and line managers to try it.”